Momma got sick and had to go to the hose-pee-tall for an aww-purr-a-shun. She is now back home and we are taking very good care of her. She is getting better every day, but we are not allowed to jump up on her. Bummer!
Questions we have:
1. Is a hose-pee-tall a tall hose that we can pee on? We hope so- we love to pee on everything outside!
2. Is an aww-purr-a-shun when we ignore a purring cat? We could ignore cats but we prefer to chase them. LOL
While Momma was at the hose-pee-tall she told Grandpa and Gramma to take us to the kennel. We like going to Joanne's kennel. Joanne has hundreds of thousands of MILLIONS of new toys for us to play with. Also there are lots of Boxers that live there and a JRT. And lots of other doggies that are boarding there too. It's a fun place! A vay-cat-shun without the cats (ok- there is 1 cat but she generally stays away from all the doggies).
You see as Momma says Gramma and Grampa are "not dog people". They think we shed too much, bark too much and they frequently complain about us. Can you believe that? Us?
Oh and it's not just us, they would say that about all of you doggies, kitties and hammies too. Actually we think that makes them "not animal people". Weird thing is Gramma grew up on a farm with lots of animals. However that's where she thinks all animals should stay...
Funny thing though, Gramma and Grampa INSISTED on keeping us at our home and they came over frequently to feed us and let us out. They even cleaned up after Nikki twice (with no complaints) because she had 2 accidents after being left in the crate too long. Oops.
We are thinking that maybe they like us more than they are saying... So we "helped" Grampa by guarding him from other dogs and people while he worked on outside home repairs.
We are going to be missing 2 agility trials and likely 2 weeks or more of agility classes while we help Momma recover. Bummer! But "First Things First". Taking care of Momma is our first priority!
Gotta go! Our work as therapy dogs with Momma awaits ;)
Woofs, Casper, Buddy, Nikki and foster dog Pixie
Silent Sunday Selfie
9 hours ago
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