Guess what?
Foster Momma has been taking lots of pictures of me in the last couple weeks.
Guess why?
'Cause a nice lady is interested in adopting me!
I've gone and visited her a few times.
Foster Momma likes her
and thinks it will be a good home for me.
We are hoping the adoption goes through.
The new lady only lives 4 blocks away
from Foster Momma.
Can you believe it?!!!
I'll still be able to see Foster Momma
once in a while!
Won't that be great?
These pictures were taken a couple weeks ago
before the snow came.
Here is a side view of me on the steps.
Here I am sniffing in the yard.
And running and playing.
Hanging out with Buddy.
After all that playing I like to curl up for a nap.
Sometimes on the couch.
Sometimes in the crate.
Look where Foster Momma
found me sleeping today.
Cuddled up to the wall.
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