Monday, 25 June 2007

Foster Dog Update

Well you may have noticed that I haven't posted much about Winnie for awhile. She was off at a new adoptive home for a trial period. We were all very happy that she had her forever home , but it just didn't work out. Winnie kept on jumping the fence and escaping. Hummmm wonder if she was trying to find us or maybe that's how she ended up as a stray in the first place? Anyways Winnie is back with us temporarily. We are on a mission to find her forever home. Here she is settled back in at our house.

And Winnie is not the only foster dog we have. Just 4 days ago we got another one too !! At that time we didn't know Winnie was coming back. The new one is Joey . He is about 1 year old, very playful. Joey is such a cutie!!! He is a medium sized, blonde colored mix- maybe has some lab, some terrier, some spitz...some Heinz 57 !!! LOL :) Picture coming soon.

Mom says the house and yard are too small for the three of us and 2 foster dogs, and that New Hope Dog Rescue will be working on getting the foster dogs adopted. But just in case , we are going to be on our best behavior!!!
